
Adult Education and Career Center
Live help from 2-11 PM. When closed, select Adult Services from the dropdown and select the subject resumes and cover letters or job resources.

AllData Online
Search car, light truck, and van repair manuals and wiring diagrams, from 1982 to the present.

American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger
The American Hebrew was a weekly Jewish newspaper published in New York City. In 1903 it merged with the Jewish Messenger.

Amsterdam News
The oldest Black newspaper in the country that offers the "New Black View" within local, national and international news for the Black community.

Ancestry Library
Search for your ancestors in historical publications and records (census, immigration, military records, vital statistics, church records, and more).

Auto Repair Source
This database contains do-it-yourself repair and maintenance information on thousands of domestic and imported vehicles. Content has been provided by MOTOR Information Systems.

Biography Reference Bank
Find in-depth, original profiles of Current Biography with full-text articles, page images and abstracts from today’s leading magazines and journals.

Brainfuse Adult Learning Center
Access to adult learning services including GED prep, 24/7 writing lab, live tutoring, career resources, U.S. citizenship prep, MS Office Essential Skills Series, and more.

Brainfuse CollegeNow
CollegeNow equips patrons with the tools and knowledge to excel in admissions interviews, boosting their confidence and increasing their chances of securing a coveted spot at their dream colleges.

Brainfuse JobNow
Access to online resources designed to support every step of the job search process. Features live online coaches who assist in resume/cover letter preparation, and help patrons prepare for job interviews.

Brainfuse VetNow
Access to online tools that support veterans and their families with navigating the VA bureaucracy, providing academic tutoring, and employment transition assistance.

Britannica Academic
Discover encyclopedia articles, full-text journal and magazine articles, primary sources, multimedia, and other unique resources and tools for college-level learners, researchers, and faculty

Britannica Escolar
Access to accurate and age-appropriate content in Spanish. Ideal for native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and students learning Spanish.

Britannica School (All Levels)
A research and homework help portal and a series of multimedia mobile apps on popular school topics ranging from the solar system to ancient Rome.

Britannica School (All Levels, Español)
Un portal de ayuda de investigación y de tareas, y una serie de aplicaciones móviles multimedia sobre temas escolares populares que van desde el sistema solar hasta la antigua Roma.

Business Insights: Essentials
Provides access to a variety of global business information: competitive intelligence, career and investment opportunities, business rankings, and company histories.