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Flipster - instant access to Magazines for all ages!


Are you like me and don’t like to see a video all the time but prefer to read newspapers and magazines in print? But then when you look around your home you get frustrated by all the unread papers and mags lying around??? Well, you and I can turn to Flipster!  

Now that many of us are WFH, and need to take frequent breaks, why don’t we read digital magazines and keep our homes clutter-free? If I need a pop culture fix, I read People or Us Weekly or Cosmopolitan. If I’m feeling high-brow, there’s the New York Literary Review or The Atlantic.  Sometimes the good old Reader’s Digest satisfies.  To help keep our children occupied, there is Highlights and Ladybug. For teens, J-14 the “teen celeb mag.” 

Flipster can be accessed on our phones and other devices. Sometimes I just can’t concentrate on reading a book while I am waiting somewhere, but a magazine is a perfect distraction.  And now that we don’t want to touch what others have touched, like that magazine in the waiting room, how perfect does Flipster sound? You can access up to date issues, not just the random “April, 2018” issue usually lying around in offices. 

When you read magazines on Flipster, it doesn’t feel like you are “on line,” but, rather, like you are just flipping through the pages of your favorite glossy.  So, are you looking for beauty and fashion news? Knitting, crocheting, quilting, boating, cooking, baking, healthy eating, boating or bird watching ideas? Consumer Reports Buying Guide 2020ForbesMoneyWomen’s HealthMen’s HealthNational Geographic, Scientific American? 

They are all here, and for free, all day, any day, with your Brentwood Public Library card! You can find Flipster and other digital materials through our Digital Downloads page.

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